The depreciation of haitian creole and haitian code switching
The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of Haitian code-switching, as a diglossic country, and Haitian Creole depreciation. as the native language of Haiti. The history of the Haitian Creole language developed by enslaved west African, in the plantation of the Island during the slave rebellion for the revolution, after several attempts conspiring for their freedom. After the disembarkation of the French Colony, in the Island where they settled from 1659 until 1804, French has become the language of dominance. It was the language of the masters´ plantations. These two languages have remained the official languages of Haiti, where Haitian people Code-switch when using either French or Haitian Creole. However, Creole has become the language of depreciation, or using another term for it, a marginalized language. In this study a qualitative and descriptive analysis have been carried out, through social media,such as: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and You-Tube, which were used to collect data on Haitian code-switching, by means of the observation of one of the Haitian Ex-presidents, Mr. Joseph Michel Martelly, who is also a famous singer. Some video links will be provided to observe the president Michel Martelly´s code-switching, in different situations, such as: the debate with his opponent Mme Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat, in 2011, before he won the election; interviews with national and international journalists about political and artistic movement; and his performance on stage as a singer.
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